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May 29, 2015
As a registered nurse with over twenty-five years of experience in the healthcare arena, Mike McMaho...
May 21, 2015
Healthcare is big business. At over 22.5 percent of the gross national product (GNP), healthcare spe...
May 19, 2015
Blair Powell Senior McKesson Analyst | The HCI Group The elevator doors open and Dr. Jean-Luc Picard...
May 14, 2015
While an affiliate EHR program can serve as a business solution that integrates disparate organizati...
May 13, 2015
Scott Jacobs, Vice President HCI's Outreach Services takes a look at how technology partnerships can...
May 12, 2015
HCI is helping its clients swing the balance from keep-the-lights-on (KTLO) activity to that of syst...
April 27, 2015
Why is the ERP activity in healthcare seeing such a rapid increase in the last couple of months? Ent...
April 23, 2015
It’s not a good feeling. As the CIO of multi-faceted health system that is currently using McKesson’...
April 16, 2015
Blair Powell Senior McKesson Analyst In many circles, the electricity was palpable as the afternoon ...
April 14, 2015
Blair Powell Senior McKesson Analyst Day two at HIMSS 2015 started off with a thoughtful keynote add...