If you're embarking on an Epic EMR training project, this guide will help you prepare your team for a smooth and successful Go-Live. With the high-level of functionality and efficiency an Epic EMR provides your organization, you can begin realizing returns on your investment by making sure your staff is trained to capitalize on its full range of capabilities.
Instantly download the full guide here.
From preliminary planning and preparation, to post go-live and beyond, let us walk you through the necessary steps to get your users up to speed on your new Epic EMR system.
Epic EMR Training: Planning & Preparation
In this section we look at the intital stages of setting up your Epic EMR Training program. The importance of this early phase of program development cannot be stressed enough--the things you do during this time will have a coumpounding effect on the success of your training program as a whole. Some points covered here are:
- Establishing your Learning Management System
- Appointing an Epic Training Manager
- The two types of resources to staff
- Scheduling
Epic EMR Training and Execution
Once you've planned, staffed, and developed your training environment, you're ready to begin the actual task of training your team. If you've taken the time to thoroughly plan and prepare a quality program, this should be a readily manageable effort. In this section, we discuss important points to consider while executing your training program, such as:
- How to effectively advocate for the new Epic EMR
- How to handle training absences
- How to carry out change management
- Setting appropriate expectations
Training Post Epic Go-Live and Beyond
In the final section of the guide, we discuss the factors involved in training and re-training your staff once you've gone-live on your new Epic EMR. Though crunch time is over, your training journey is not yet complete. Consider the following points when assessing your Epic EMR Training program post go-live and beyond:
- Ongoing new hire training
- Using "Lunch & Learns" to encourage continual improvement
- Leveraging new functionailty
- Attesting for Meaningful Use & HIMSS EMRAM Stages
For a comprehensive Epic EMR Training overview to help get your program started off on the right foot, click the link below to download the full paper.
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